• May 13, 2024

Team SELF, welcome to your final leg day, and the last day of the New Year’s Challenge: day 28! Thank you for sticking with us and for making a commitment to yourself—whether that meant learning how to make movement a priority, perfecting a particular exercise, or simply pushing yourself to lift heavier or work harder than you ever have before. Whatever your why, you did it! Now all you have left to do is finish one last routine: your final lower-body strength workout.

And fair warning, this one’s a toughie! That’s because we have some advanced variations of some foundational lower-body moves on tap for today, utilizing factors like pulses and holds to really crank up the intensity. In moves like the squat with double pulse and the reverse lunge with an optional hold, you’re putting your muscles through a longer time under tension, which not only feels harder, but gives your quads and glutes a unique challenge. This routine also goes heavy on the single-leg work—another way to up the ante.

While these variations may seem intimidating, you’ve been prepping for this since the first day of this challenge! All of the moves you’ve mastered already have helped you build a solid strength-training foundation. You already know the basic movement patterns—squat, hinge, lunge, for instance—and now you are ready to build on them. 

If you still want more leg day after your main routine, stick around for our optional bonus EMOM finisher, where we’ll head back to single-leg town with the curtsy lunge. Make no mistake, this is an advanced workout for sure. But we have faith: You can do it! 

Everything you’ve done over the last four weeks—from learning basic functional movements to building your cardiovascular endurance to strengthening every single inch of your body—has prepared you for this very workout. Tell yourself you’ve got this, and you are going to take it one move, one set, and one round at a time. And remember that if you can’t do something or your body’s just not feeling it, you can always modify, take a break, or slow down. No challenge is worth an injury, and modifying an exercise doesn’t make it count any less than doing the standard version. That’s the beauty of our SELF challenges, and we hope you can carry it through to the very last day: Do what works for you. 

When you finally call time on that last round, give yourself a big hug and a high five—and then take a couple of rest days. You deserve it. Then, come back here and see if there is another challenge that interests you. We’ve got plenty, and some are even similar to the one you just finished—click here to find one that best suits your fitness needs. Or maybe you now feel comfortable creating your own workout plan? If that’s the case, we have you covered there, too. You can pick and choose upper-body, lower-body, core, and cardio workouts to create your own program.

Keep scrolling for the details on how to do today’s advanced (and final!) single-leg strength routine.


Aim for 8–12 reps per exercise. Rest up to 30 seconds between exercises. At the end of the round, rest 60–90 seconds. Complete 2–4 rounds total. Repeat for Superset 2.


Superset 1

  • Squat with Double Pulse
  • Split Squat with Biceps Curl

Superset 2

  • Sumo Squat
  • Reverse Lunge


Do both moves for the recommended number of reps. Rest the remainder of the minute; repeat 4 times total.

  • Curtsy Lunge, Left Side (8–10 reps)
  • Curtsy Lunge, Right Side (8–10 reps)
    • Pinterest
    Katie Thompson1

    Squat to Double Pulse

    • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, hands touching in front of your chest. (You can rack a pair of dumbbells at your shoulders for an added challenge.) This is starting position.
    • Engage your core and keep your chest lifted and back flat as you shift your weight into your heels; push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat.
    • Push through your heels to rise back up, pulsing up and down twice, before returning to starting position. This is 1 rep.
    • Pinterest
    Katie Thompson2

    Split Squat With Biceps Curl

    • With your feet underneath your shoulders and a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, step your left foot forward as if you were doing a forward lunge; keep your left heel firmly planted. This is the starting position.
    • Bend both knees to create 90-degree angles with your legs. Your chest should be upright and your torso should be slightly forward so that your back is flat and not arched or rounded forward. Your left quad should be parallel to the floor and your left knee should be above your left foot. Your butt and core should be engaged.
    • As you lower down, curl your hands up toward your shoulders, squeezing your biceps. Keep your elbows tight to the sides of your body.
    • Push through your left foot to return to the starting position, lowering your hands to your sides as you do so. This is 1 rep.
    • If you want more of a lower-body challenge for this move, you can go heavier in weight and omit the curl—you’ll likely need to choose lighter weights in order to curl them.
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    Katie Thompson3

    Sumo Squat 

    • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out about 45 degrees. Hold one weight with both hands on one end so it’s hanging vertically. (You can also hold the weight horizontally with arms straight in front of you instead.) This is the starting position.
    • Bend your knees and push your hips back as you lower down into a squat.
    • Drive through your heels to return to standing and squeeze your glutes at the top. That’s 1 rep.
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    Katie Thompson4

    Reverse Lunge

    • Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and engage your core. (For an added challenge, you can rack dumbbells on your shoulders.)
    • Step backward with your right foot, landing on the ball of your right foot and keeping your right heel off the ground.
    • Bend both knees to 90 degrees as you sink into a lunge. Focus on keeping your core engaged and your hips tucked (don’t stick your butt out). Sometimes it can be helpful to place your hands on your hips so you can make sure your hips aren’t tilting to the side or forward and back.
    • For an added challenge pause for a second in a hold at the bottom of the lunge.
    • Push through the heel of your left foot to return to your starting position. Repeat on the other side. This is 1 rep. (You can do all of your reps in a row, or you can alternate sides, whichever you prefer.)
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    Katie Thompson5

    Curtsy Lunge

    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hands at your sides. This is the starting position.
    • Step your right foot diagonally behind you and lower your right knee until it almost touches the floor. Your front knee should bend to about 90 degrees.
    • Drive through your left heel to stand back up and return to the starting position. This is 1 rep.
    • Complete all your reps on one side. Then switch sides and repeat.

    Styling, Rika Watanabe. Hair, Avery Golson at See Management. Makeup, Ayaka Nihei. On Gail Barranda Rivas (GIFs 1, 2, and 5): Sports Bra; Fabletics. Leggings; Bandier. Sneakers; Puma. On Heather Boddy (GIFs 3 and 4): Sports Bra and Leggings; Bandier. Sneakers; APL.

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