Have a party to attend in a week, but you still have to lose at least 5 pounds to fit into your favorite dress? Well, fret not! We have a plan for you to lose up to 6 pounds in 5 days! All you need to do is follow the Apple Detox Diet Plan.

Apples are nutrition-dense fruits that aid weight loss, fight cancer, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, prevent gallstone formation, boost immunity, and prevent the development of cataracts(1), (2). Shavonne Morrison, RDN, says, “Apples are a good source of healthy fiber, phosphorus, vitamin A, magnesium, and potassium and have about 125 calories, depending on the type of apple.”


Therefore, the 5-day Apple Diet will not only help you lose water weight and reduce bloating, but will also improve your overall health. However, you should also keep in mind that working out regularly and making a significant change in your lifestyle can help to lose weight quickly and in a healthy way.

In this article, we will tell you why the apple diet works, the 5-day diet plan you can follow, and exercises you can do. We also have a delicious recipe in store for you! Take a look!

In This Article

The Apple Diet?

Image: iStock

The apple diet is a 5-day diet plan where a major portion of your meals will consist of apples. On Day 1, dieters are allowed to eat only apples for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. On Day 2, dieters are allowed to eat apples for breakfast and dinner, and for lunch, apples and veggies. Day 3 to Day 5, the dieters are allowed to eat fruits, fresh fruit juices, vegetable smoothies, proteins, and dairy along with apples for each major meal.

Fun Fact Actor Christian Bale shed 63 pounds for his role in The Machinist, by having an apple and a can of tuna daily. Joaquin Phoenix also consumed apples, lettuce, and steamed green beans to shed 23 kgs for his titular character in Joker.

How Does The Apple Diet Work?

The ideal components for a diet, apples, are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber and also have very few calories, amounting to around 80 to 100 calories depending on the size of the fruit. An effective laxative, apples are also nutritious and beneficial for the nervous system, which is why they are included in many diet routines. However, for this diet, the apple is the star! The fiber in the apple binds to the fat molecules, preventing fat absorption. The fiber bound fat is then directly excreted from the body. Apples also make you feel fuller for a longer time. They are nature’s thermogenic foods and may even fire up your metabolism, hence supporting weight loss. Eating an apple before every major meal will make you feel less hungry and prevent you from overeating.

According to Shavonne Morrison, RDN, “Consuming apples will not directly cause you to lose weight. However, apples are a good source of fiber, particularly pectin, which can help keep you full longer compared to other types of carbohydrates. This can help reduce cravings and help you stay in a calorie deficit, which is necessary to promote weight loss.”

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