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While you’re sleeping and building up energy for the day ahead, your skin cells are hard at work. They’re repairing damage, building collagen, and so much more. So having a solid nighttime skin-care routine can make sure your cells are primed to do their best work. But at the end of a long day, taking time for an involved routine might feel impossible. On those nights, Naomi McCullum, MD, a board-certified cosmetic physician in Sydney, Australia, reaches for the One Night Stand AHA Overnight Facial ($105) from her eponymous skin-care line.

“Sometimes I’m feeling tired or lazy and I just need a night off from the effort of a seven-step routine, but I still want action and high performance, so One Night Stand is the perfect, do-it-all product I turn to,” says Dr. Naomi. “As it’s a potent resurfacing treatment, you wake up in the morning to visibly softer, smoother, and glowing skin. It’s not magic—it’s science. This product is ideal for those who want their skin to age well, but also to smooth uneven skin, improve the appearance of pores, reduce [disclolration], or for those who need help with congestion.”

Dr. Naomi One Night Stand AHA Overnight Facial — $105.00

This at-home resurfacing treatment uses 15 percent glycolic acid, 1 percent bakuchiol, niacinamide, and the brand’s proprietary Brightening Cocktail to help you wake up with radiant skin. “It also has Kangaroo Paw Flower Extract, which is a native Australian ingredient that’s highly active and promotes the production of collagen and elastin for firmer-looking skin,” says Dr. Naomi.

The blend is so potent that you can only use it two times a week, max, so save it for those nights when you know you’ll want something simple. “One Night Stand is a very active product so really it has to be a standalone in an evening routine due to its power,” says Dr. Naomi.

How to use the Dr. Naomi One Night Stand Mask

When Dr. Naomi uses the mask on her own skin, she washes and dries her face, then applies an even layer of product. “That’s it! So simple. No moisturizer or anything else is needed on top,” she says. “I leave it on all night and then do my routine as normal the next day.”

However, if you’re prone to sensitivity, you may want to work your way up to using the mask all night. “Not everyone can use this product overnight, so those who are not used to AHAs or have sensitive skin should first use it as a 15-minute wash-off mask and if it’s tolerated well, it can be slowly increased over time,” says Dr. Naomi.

Overall, if you choose to incorporate this product into your evening skin rotation, you won’t regret it—especially when you wake up with glowy, refreshed skin.

“This product is an at-home resurfacing treatment that is closest to the treatments my team of skin therapists performs in my cosmetic clinics in Sydney,” says Dr. Naomi. “It’s our most powerful product and coming from a cosmetic medical background, results and transformation are the reasons I chose this field 20 years ago. I love making people more beautiful and happy with their appearance.”

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